What is the Customer Portal?

<aside> 💡 Once you ‘Complete Setup’ any temporary passwords will no longer work


You can now create a user in configuration mode before sending out the details to the user

Create a user in configuration mode

  1. Go to the Customer Page
  2. Customer Actions - > Create a User
    1. Enter the correct customer email (not your own email)
  3. Complete the wizard and choose ’Configuration’ Mode
    1. You will then be given a temporary password you can use to login to the portal and make sure the configuration is correct

Finish the user setup

Once you have finished your setup for the account go to the user page and choose the 'Complete Setup' option

A reset password email will then be sent to the users email you entered in step 2a with a link to set their own password.

The temporary password from step 3a will no longer work at this point.

Create a user with no setup

To create the user as normal with no configuration mode follow steps 1 and 2 above but then choose ‘Finish Setup’ in the user wizard. A reset password email will be sent to the user straight away.

Checking the status of a user account

On the User List page there is a status label

Once you go into a user page, you will see a Configuration Mode section if the account setup is not complete
