<aside> 💡 If you are running on Business Central you will need to get in touch with your software provider to fix this issue as we have no access.


What causes a document to get stuck

Sometimes a document can become stuck in the IQ Request Queue.

Common causes of stuck documents are:

Mark the document as error

If there is a document stuck in the queue that is preventing other documents from being processed you need to mark that document as error so the other documents can get through.

<aside> 💡 After you mark the document as error you will need to get the user to send the document again or you can recreate the document manually on the SalesMachineX website.


How to fix the problem for future

Once that is done and you have re-sent / re-created the document you need to find what was causing the problem and attempt to fix it in your office system otherwise this could happen again in future.